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Starting a new business is no easy feat, but it can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. Ensuring you have the right structure in place from the start will be key to your business’s long term growth and success.
We know the 'legals' can be easily forgotten about with the excitement of launching a business. However it can be difficult to wind back the clock, once you have established your business in a structure that does not suit the evolving needs of your enterprise.
We have created the below service packages help you take your business to the next level.
Section Title
We can help you with the following bespoke services or you can check out some of our simple to use legal templates below
Company Constitution
Be clear on the rules for internal governance, business activities and directors responsibilities
Company Registration
We can register your company and get your business up and running with the best advice.
Shareholders Agreements
Make sure you have a document that covers the 3 D's in business. Death, Divorce & Dispute
Partnership Agreements
Cover important matters like how decisions are made, how disputes are handled and what happens when a partner leaves.