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Cyber Warning
Law firms have recently been targeted by cyber criminals, so we are taking extra precautions with our payments.
In order to reduce the risk of a loss of money in a transfer of funds caused by a hacker altering electronic communications and impersonating our law practice or other party, the Firm requires you to agree, by accepting this client agreement, to the Firm’s Cyber Policy and comply with same when there is a transfer of funds.
Where payment details are contained in an electronic communication or document, you agree that:
(a) You WILL NOT transfer any funds (send, deposit, pay or transfer) of more than $5,000.00 Australian dollars or its equivalent in any other currency without first telephoning the apparent sender to verbally confirm the account number, details and amounts by reading out and reading back the account and BSB numbers (or other specific payment details where applicable, eg if not a bank account) and confirming any instructions; and
(b) You WILL give the same warnings to anyone else known to be connected to the matter and anticipated to be involved in transferring or receiving any funds (including but not limited to, agents, brokers, family members, accountants); and
(c) You WILL when calling to check payment details above, ensure that you do not make contact using a telephone number for the apparent sender listed in any communications or document that asks for money or sets out account numbers or details without first checking the telephone number from a source that is different to that communication, for example a separate paper communication or checking the person’s website or online telephone listing; and
(d) You WILL contact the sender to check legitimacy before you open attachments, or click on hyperlinks or download buttons in unexpected emails; and
(e) You WILL contact us immediately if in any doubt about emails or any other electronic communications that appear to have come from us.
PLEASE NOTE that we will not transfer money out of our practice until we are able to verify any bank account by a voice call to confirm those details (by reading out and reading back the account and BSB numbers or other specific payment details where applicable, eg if not a bank account). You must make sure you can be contacted if you need any funds transferred by a specific time, otherwise your objectives may not be met.